





PVC plastic floor is not only an excellent ground decoration materials, there are many magical unique in daily life, with the view of the folk master is how to play ""!
Subterranean moistureproof artifact
Some of the goods stored in the basement are very afraid of the tide. And because of the special environment in the basement, the ground is generally moist and dry and very slow. The main material of the plastic floor is PVC resin, and the waterproof performance is very good. In view of the environment of the basement, only a simple plastic floor is needed to make a good moistureproof effect. Only the PVC floor is cut along the ground, and the welding line is done at the seam.
Restaurant metope
The restaurant is full of steam and oil. The leftovers and oil stains on the table are easy to splash onto the wall. The stains on the walls are rather troublesome, but if you install a floor leather on the wall, it will become very simple to clean. The specific method is to cut up the floor leather with a height of about a meter, and lay the upper and lower floors with layering and nails.
Wall decoration of kindergarten
The cartoon plastic floor with a height of one meter on the wall of the kindergarten can not only play a good aesthetic effect, but also has two very practical functions: first, better protect children. The cartoon plastic floor is made of foam bottom and has good elasticity. When children are playing carelessly against the wall, the floor on the wall can play a good cushioning effect, which greatly reduces children's injury probability. Second, to prevent children paint the walls. The surface of the cartoon plastic floor is a wear-resistant layer treated by UV. It has a strong anti fouling ability. The handwriting of chalk and crayon can be easily cleaned with wet cloth.
Carbon crystal floor leather
Carbon electrothermal carpet is very popular in Europe, America and Japan, Japan and South Korea. Its main components are carbon crystal and surface decoration materials. Carbon crystals belong to the heating material, and the surface decoration is the part of decoration and heat conduction. Because of its good insulation and heat preservation, plastic floor has become a very widely used surface material in carbon electrothermal carpet.
DIY murals
The design and printing of the plastic floor is very high definition, fine texture, and has a strong sculpture. Choose the right color, draw the pattern on the plastic floor, carve out the required patterns with special carving tools, assemble the finished modules, and finally install the picture frame, and create a beautiful murals.


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